About Us
ALBERT HOO ELECTRICAL PTE LTD is a professional lighting company with a history of over 29 years since it was established in 1987. We have a wide range of lightings and electrical products to meet the never ending demand of our customers.
The essence of lighting is one of the most important thing in our life. Our prime objective is to fulfill all our customers lighting needs and ensuring the safety, quality and reliability of our products.
Our own brand of AEC Lighting products is an established brand in the light market and we are constantly innovating and improving our products with the introduction of the AEC LED Lighting Series. LED lights are the smart and sustainable choice in lighting solutions. It is the biggest innovation and are currently the most efficient and cost saving source of illumination.
The company's success story has been based on the dedicated commitment of our management and staff building a solid foundation with our clients and identifying their requirements for sustainability, design and functionality. Our vision is to continue to innovate and grow in the lighting industries with deep insistence that better light can make all our life better.
Our Mission
Our Mission it to work together with our customers and our focus can be summarized into 3 points:
- ProductDesign Quality & Customised Lighting
- ServiceLogistics Training & Communication
- OrganizationKnow-how Competitceness & Reliability